Monday, December 28, 2009

Must Play: Plants VS Zombies!

I've been so focused lately on the big-name titles coming out this Christmas that I managed to overlook a title that a lot of people have been raving about -- PLANTS VS ZOMBIES! (I know, I'm way late to the party on this one.)

Although I'm a hardcore gamer through and through, I've developed a growing appreciation for casual titles over the years (thanks mostly to the influence of my Nintendo DS and Facebook applets) and I've always been a HUGE fan of PopCap Games; their titles are always slickly produced and fun, and I'm telling you, this might be the best game they ever did. I confess to being quite sick of tower defense as a genre, but this is so well executed that it doesn't feel like the same old crap at all. I've become so addicted to PvZ that I play it every chance I get - yesterday, our division head actually caught me sneaking in a couple of rounds because my accursedly slow hands weren't fast enough on the Alt+Tab.

D'ohhhh! :-(

(In fact, although I'm going to post this in the evening, I'm typing this post at work - writing about PvZ is much less conspicuous than playing it.) :-)

I strongly encourage all of you to give it a try! It runs perfectly even on my (decidedly non-gaming oriented) office PC, so the barriers to entry are really quite low. I'm currently playing the... um, yo-ho-ho version of this game (my non-gamer officemate passed it to me from his USB) but I'm going to check PSN when I get home to see if there's a version I can buy (so I can play it on my TV.)

Yes, this game is so good that I'm willing to pay for something that I got for FREE. It's that addictive. Obviously, if you don't WANT to pay for it, I'm not going to stop you... but since it doesn't cost you anything to play the full version on PC I'm begging you to at least give this a try.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play a couple rounds of PvZ. Adik! :-D

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