Monday, November 16, 2009

Incoming Drop: God of War Collection (November 17, 2009)

I have a confession to make. Two, actually.

One: I never finished God of War 1.

Two: I never even PLAYED God of War II.

Before you get up in arms about that, I have valid reasons for this: during God of War 1’s heyday, I was able to make it all the way to the sand area until the game hung. I was playing the jacked copy and apparently the non-DVD9 version didn’t have the second half of the game. As for God of War II, my PS2 fat’s lens had long since given up the ghost by then, and I wasn’t willing to put in the work getting GOW2 up and running on PS2HD using WinHIIP, as DVD9 transfers are always tricky. Ah, the good old days.

Anyway, enough blatant discussion of PlayStation-branded piracy! With the pretty 1080p graphics and the awesome trophy support (1 set of Trophies for each game! Unprecedented.), plus the convenience of having both Kratos-filled games on a single BD, God Of War Collection is looking like a pretty solid buy for me as long as the price is right. I’d much rather pick this up than same-day release Assassin’s Creed 2, which, considering how lukewarm I was on the first game, looks like a pick-it-up-when-it-gets-cheaper sort of thing for me. Even if it's better than the first (which looks likely) I'm not paying until I see proof of quality.

Plus, it’s a way for me to pay Sony back for stealing the first two games from them in the first place. Hah!

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