Sunday, November 8, 2009


I encourage the NDS-owning RPG fans among you (who also own some sort of emulating flashcart, ahem ahem) to give the recently released Nostalgia a try. Developed by Thousand Arms (PS1) developer Red Entertainment, this aptly named adventure trots out every RPG cliche in the book in rapid, unrelenting succession -

Spunky, sword toting boy hero (CHECK!) who wants to spread his wings and become an adventurer (CHECK!)? Said plucky hero risking his life to save some chick he met, like, 5 FUCKING MINUTES AGO (CHECK)!Evil artifact capable of causing mass destruction (CHECK)! Active Time Battle clone combat system (CHECK)!

You may think I'm down on it, but I'm totally not! It's so traditional and "classic" feeling that it becomes endearing rather than annoying. Yeah, Nostalgia may have its flaws, but I know certain camps of JRPG nuts out there (I'm looking at you, Wild Arms fans) that will eat this up with a spoon. I mean, just look at that screen shot boys, sooooo OLD SCHOOL.

Plus, it's free. You're stealing it off the fucking Internet man, can't complain. :-)

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